Emocomponenti ed L-PRF
David M. Dohan Ehrenfest, Byung-Soo Kang, Marco Del Corso, Mauricio Nally, Marc Quirynen, Hom-Lay Wang, and Nelson R. Pinto. The impact of the centrifuge characteristics and centrifugation protocols on the cells, growth factors and fibrin architecture of a Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) clot and membrane. Part 1: evaluation of the vibration shocks of 4 models of table centrifuges for L-PRF. POSEIDO. 2014;2(2) 129-139.
Nelson R. Pinto, Andrea Pereda, Paula Jiménez, Marco Del Corso, Byung-Soo Kang, Hom-Lay Wang, Marc Quirynen, and David M. Dohan Ehrenfest. The impact of the centrifuge characteristics and centrifugation protocols on the cells, growth factors and fibrin architecture of a Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) clot and membrane. Part 2: macroscopic, photonic microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy analysis of 4 kinds of L-PRF clots and membranes. POSEIDO. 2014;2(2) 141-154.
David M. Dohan Ehrenfest, Marco Del Corso, Byung-Soo Kang, Nicole Lanata, Marc Quirynen, Hom-Lay Wang, and Nelson R. Pinto. The impact of the centrifuge characteristics and centrifugation protocols on the cells, growth factors and fibrin architecture of a Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) clot and membrane. Part 3: comparison of the growth factors content and slow release between the original L-PRF and the modified A-PRF (Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin) membranes. POSEIDO. 2014;2(2) 155-66.
Gilberto Sammartino, Marco Del Corso, Lidia M. Wisniewska, Tomasz Bielecki, Isabel Andia, Nelson R. Pinto, Chang-Qing Zhang, De-Rong Zou, and David M. Dohan Ehrenfest. The PACT (Platelet & Advanced Cell Therapies) Forum: fostering translational research, transdisciplinarity and international collaboration in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. POSEIDO. 2014;2(2) 105-66.
Marco Del Corso, and David M. Dohan Ehrenfest. Immediate implantation and peri-implant Natural Bone Regeneration (NBR) in the severely resorbed posterior mandible using Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF): a 4-year follow-up. POSEIDO. 2013;1(2) 109-116.
Del Corso M, Mazor Z, Rutkowski JL, Dohan Ehrenfest DM. The use of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin during immediate postextractive implantation and loading for the esthetic replacement of a fractured maxillary central incisor. J Oral Implantol. 2012 Apr;38(2):181-7.
Dohan Ehrenfest DM, Bielecki T, Jimbo R, Barbé G, Del Corso M, Inchingolo F, Sammartino G. Do the fibrin architecture and leukocyte content influence the growth factor release of platelet concentrates? An evidence-based answer comparing a pure platelet-rich plasma (P-PRP) gel and a leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF). Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2012 Jun;13(7):1145-52.
Del Corso M, Vervelle A, Simonpieri A, Jimbo R, Inchingolo F, Sammartino G, Dohan Ehrenfest DM. Current knowledge and perspectives for the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) in oral and maxillofacial surgery part 1: Periodontal and dentoalveolar surgery. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2012 Jun;13(7):1207-30.
Simonpieri A, Del Corso M, Vervelle A, Jimbo R, Inchingolo F, Sammartino G, Dohan Ehrenfest DM. Current knowledge and perspectives for the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) in oral and maxillofacial surgery part 2: Bone graft, implant and reconstructive surgery. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2012 Jun;13(7):1231-56.
Simonpieri A, Choukroun J, Del Corso M, Sammartino G, Dohan Ehrenfest DM. Simultaneous sinus-lift and implantation using microthreaded implants and leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin as sole grafting material: a six-year experience. Implant Dent. 2011 Feb;20(1):2-12.
Marco Del Corso L’impiego di fibrina ricca di piastrine (L-PRF) nei siti post-estrattivi e nell’exeresi di cisti. Dental Tribune, Ottobre 2011.
J. Choukroun and Marco Del Corso Tissue response to platelet-richFibrin: clinical evidences. Part 1: socket extractions. Implant Dentistry Today, Dec 2011.
Dohan Ehrenfest DM, Bielecki T, Del Corso M, Inchingolo F, Sammartino G. Shedding light in the controversial terminology for platelet-rich products: platelet-rich plasma (PRP), platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), platelet-leukocyte gel (PLG), preparation rich in growth factors (PRGF), classification and commercialism. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2010 Dec 15;95(4):1280-2
Dohan Ehrenfest DM, Del Corso M, Inchingolo F, Sammartino G, Charrier JB. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) in human cell cultures: growth factor release and contradictory results. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2010 Oct;110(4): 418-21
Dohan Ehrenfest DM, Del Corso M, Inchingolo F, Charrier JB. Selecting a relevant in vitro cell model for testing and comparing the effects of a Choukroun’s platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane and a platelet-rich plasma (PRP) gel: tricks and traps. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2010 Oct;110(4):409-11
Dohan Ehrenfest DM, Del Corso M, Diss A, Mouhyi J, Charrier JB. Three-dimensional architecture and cell composition of a Choukroun’s platelet-rich fibrin clot and membrane. J Periodontol. 2010 Apr;81(4):546-55.
Dohan Ehrenfest DM, Doglioli P, de Peppo GM, Del Corso M, Charrier JB. Choukroun’s platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) stimulates in vitro proliferation and differentiation of human oral bone mesenchymal stem cell in a dose-dependent way. Arch Oral Biol. 2010 Mar;55(3):185-94.
Marco Del Corso, Michael Toffler, David Dohan Ehrenfest Use of an autologous Leukocyte and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) membrane in post-avulsion sites. JIACD vol 1, no 9, Dec-Jan 2010
Mazor Z, Horowitz RA, Del Corso M, Prasad HS, Rohrer MD, Dohan Ehrenfest DM. Sinus floor augmentation with simultaneous implant placement using Choukroun’s platelet-rich fibrin as the sole grafting material: a radiologic and histologic study at 6 months. J Periodontol. 2009 Dec;80(12):2056-64
Del Corso M, Sammartino G, Dohan Ehrenfest DM. “Clinical evaluation of a modified coronally advanced flap alone or in combination with a platelet-rich fibrin membrane for the treatment of adjacent multiple gingival recessions: a 6-month study”. J Periodontol. 2009 Nov;80(11):1694-7
Simonpieri A, Del Corso M, Sammartino G, Dohan Ehrenfest DM. The relevance of Choukroun’s platelet-rich fibrin and metronidazole during complex maxillary rehabilitations using bone allograft. Part I: a new grafting protocol. Implant Dent. 2009 Apr;18(2):102-11.
Simonpieri A, Del Corso M, Sammartino G, Dohan Ehrenfest DM. The relevance of Choukroun’s platelet-rich fibrin and metronidazole during complex maxillary rehabilitations using bone allograft. Part II: implant surgery, prosthodontics, and survival. Implant Dent. 2009 Jun;18(3):220-9
David Dohan, Marco Del Corso Cytotoxicity analyses of Choukroun’s platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) on a wide range of human cells: The answer to a commercial controversy. OOOOE May 2007, 587-593.
Marco Del Corso et al. Use of PRF in bony regeneration surgery. Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Edition, 2007, 8-13.
Marco Del Corso et al. L’impiego del L-PRF nella chirurgia rigenerativa ossea. Dental Tribune II/9 Ott 2006, 10-14
Marco Del Corso, Stefano Miani et al. Platelet Rich Fibrin® (PRF), un nuovo biomateriale di cicatrizzazione tissutale impiegato in parodontologia. Dental Tribune II/5 Maggio 2006, 10-12.
Marco Del Corso et al. Accelerazione dei processi di cicatrizzazione tessutale con un nuovo biomateriale: la fibrina ricca di piastrine (PRF). Rivista di odontostomatologia, 2006, 361-366.